YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina is the largest residential in Latin America

A study released by Skycrapercenter that gathers data on civil construction worldwide, found that 7 of the 10 largest buildings in Latin America are in Brazil, more precisely in the state of Santa Catarina. These giants surprise not only for their height, but also for the breathtaking views they provide.

First in the list are the YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina towers, each 281 meters high. The development has 264 apartments divided into 81 floors. In total, there are 142 thousand square meters of built area.

But to get a sense of the grandeur of these towers with just a helicopter ride. It was even so that the brokers sold the tallest apartments while the building was still under construction.

Today, YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina is already 281 meters high. Currently, the towers go through the facade cladding, plaster application in the apartments, among others. In addition to them, Balneário Camboriú has five other towers listed as the largest in South America. Next comes the municipalities of Buenos Aires, Argentina, with two projects, Itapema, in Santa Catarina, with one project and João Pessoa, in Paraíba, also with an enterprise.

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Press information - Oficina das Palavras

Martha Kienast - costa1@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 9 9994-1265.

Ricardo Ruas - ricardo.ruas@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 9 9995-1846.


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