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This November, the eyes of the sports world are turned to Itapema, a city with outstanding numbers in beach volleyball competitions. The city hosts 292 athletes from 28 countries and, thus, is established as the national venue for competitions in the sport. Until November 21, four state, national and international competitions are held in the arena set up on land by the construction company Pasqualotto>, located on Avenida Nereu Ramos, at Rua 307. The event is free, free for visitors who can prove complete vaccination against the Covid-19.
With over 51 competitors from 28 countries, Itapema is hosting another stage of the World Tour. Until November 14, nationally and internationally renowned athletes, such as the Brazilian representatives at the Tokyo Olympics: Alison, Álvaro Filho, Evandro, Rebecca, Ágatha and Duda, will pass through the arena set up on land by the construction company Pasqualotto>. Players from Argentina, Spain, Italy and the Czech Republic will also participate.
In the sequence, another 160 athletes arrive in the city for the 2nd stage of the U21 tournament of the Brazilian Circuit. Held between the 14th and 16th of November, in the arena set up on land given away by Pasqualotto>, it will feature 49 male teams and 31 female teams.
The beach volleyball marathon in the city began with the 4th stage of the Brazilian Open Circuit, which brought together 48 athletes and consecrated champions by the pairs Vitor Felipe and Renato Andrew in males and Bárbara Seixas and Carol Solberg in females. The two national competitions and the world competition are promoted by the Brazilian Volleyball Confederation in partnership with the City of Itapema.
The competitions in the city end with the completion of the third stage of the State Adult Championship, scheduled for between November 20th and 21st, also in the arena set up on land by Pasqualotto>. The competition will have the participation of 32 athletes from all over Santa Catarina. “Events like these were held here in 2018 and 2019, stopped last year due to the emergency situation and now they return in complete safety. We make a point of supporting initiatives like this, as a way of valuing athletes, sport and also providing safe entertainment for those in the region”, says the president of Pasqualotto>, Alcino Pasqualotto Neto.
Volleyball Village
In addition to national and international Beach Volleyball competitions, visitors to the arena set up on land provided by the construction company Pasqualotto> can participate in leisure activities. At the site, cultural presentations, sports activities, handicrafts, gastronomy, among others, are held. During the evenings, the venue hosts musical performances Entrance to Vila do Vôlei is free and open to all audiences.
About Pasqualotto>
Pasqualotto> is the builder of luxury developments such as YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina, the largest residential building in Latin America, with 81 floors and 281 meters in height. With a vocation for vertical buildings above 50 floors, it also has other projects in partnership by Pininfarina, such as Vitra, recognized in America and Europe as an icon of international architecture, and the future project La Città by Pininfarina.
Numbers of Beach Volleyball Competitions in Itapema:
- 4th Stage of the Brazilian Open Circuit: 48 athletes
Date: November 3rd to 7th (closed)
- World Tour: 51 competitors from 28 countries
Date: November 9th to 14th
- 2nd Stage of the Brazilian Circuit's U21 tournament: 160 athletes (49 men's pairs and 31 women's pairs)
Date: November 14th and 16th
- Adult State Championship: 32 athletes (16 male and 16 female)
Date: November 20th and 21st
Location: arena set up on land belonging to the construction company Pasqualotto>, located on Avenida Nereu Ramos, at Rua 307, in Itapema (SC).
Photos: Brazilian Volleyball Confederation and Pasqualotto>
Press information – Word Workshop
Martha Kienast – coastal1@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 99994-1265.
Ricardo Ruas – ricardo.ruas@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 99995-1846.
Website: www.pasqualottoegt.com.br;
Faceboook: www.facebook.com/pasqualottoegt;
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pasqualottoegt.