Suggestions of good examples in this period of world crisis due to the advancement of coronavirus

In Santa Catarina, a group of entrepreneurs and professionals, led by the entrepreneur Alcino Paqualotto Neto, is managing to join forces to contribute to those who need this moment of the world pandemic.

They are all volunteers who have mobilized to raise funds, supplies and health instruments for hospitals, health professionals and families on the Santa Catarina Coast, in cities such as Porto Belo, Bombinhas, Itapema, Balneário Camboriú, Camboriú, Itajaí.

Alcino Pasqualotto Neto believes in mobilizing his acquaintances to form this successful network. So much so that the initiative has also been replicated by businessmen from other regions of the State of Santa Catarina, such as in the West region, in the city of Chapecó, and in Blumenau, in the Itajaí Valley.

In the Litoral alone, there are about 300 volunteers working, leaving leisure aside to do something productive for society. There is a whole logistics to guarantee, for example, snacks for health professionals, basic food baskets for families who are out of work and do not know what the next weeks will be like and even equipment such as masks, gloves and respirators to hospitals.

Virtual fundraising for hospitals and health centers in SC:

- Website:

- Any amount can be donated

- Anyone can donate without leaving home.


Press information - Oficina das Palavras

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Ricardo Ruas - +55 (47) 9 9995-1846







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