Special operation marks installation of the fastest elevators in Brazil at Yachthouse by Pininfarina, in Balneário Camboriú
The cutting-edge technology used in the largest building in Latin America is increasingly apparent with the progress of the works. In the current stage, the 10 elevators for direct service to the apartments of the towers of the Yachthouse by Pininfarina are being installed, the fastest in the country, with the capacity to move 6 meters per second and cover the 81 floors of the building in less than a minute. Atlas Schindler Elevators teams work to lift and install parts that add up to more than 35 tons.
For the operation, a horizontal movement was first necessary, with the machines being stored on the ground floor. The next step was to move the stored parts to the wells, using forklifts. The lifting from the ground floor to the 80th floor is being done with a winch installed in the engine room. "The movement is carried out to facilitate the arrival of the equipment to the engine room, at the top of the building", reinforce Anderson Rugero and Fabio Rengies, from Elevadores Atlas Schindler.
These are already the definitive elevators, although some details are finalized only closer to the delivery of the Yachthouse by Pininfarina, in this case, external calls (Port Technology traffic management system, where the call is made directly in the hall of the floors, instead conventional password systems or biometrics in the booths) and the final commissioning (air conditioning, call interconnection, communication and control system). Also to avoid setbacks, the final floor and wall covering part (an aluminum with woody face) will be placed only near the opening of the work.
Engineer Davi Rotilli, from Pasqualotto & GT, comments that all the grandeur of the Yachthouse by Pininfarina project is also possible to see in this stage of the elevators. “The engine room, for example, is special, with a monorail (kind of winch). It is used to lift engines that are very heavy and this same equipment allows for maintenance and possible future repairs, with all the necessary safety ”, he highlights.
The numbers connected to the elevators of the Yachthouse by Pininfarina

- 22 elevators in the development;

- 10 elevators for direct service to the apartments;

- 35 tons of engines;
Credits: Pasqualotto & GT Disclosure
Downloadable images: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QHmbJbMYMOPb0DsU8PdGEYCU31JuByrF?usp=sharing 

Press information - Oficina das Palavras

Martha Kienast - costa1@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 9 9994-1265

Ricardo Ruas - ricardo.ruas@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 9 9995-1846



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