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Taking care of the body and mind, in times of pandemic and social distance, these are two great precepts to guarantee the health and quality of life of the entire community. For believing in this maxim, Pasqualotto and Pasqualotto & GT carry out the special series “Bem Me Quero”, focusing on physical and mental health. Exclusive on Construtora Pasqualotto's YouTube channel, it has episodes that take guidance from experts in various areas such as nutrition, psychology and personal trainner.
The first season features details on selfcare, practices and balance. The opening episode will air at 7 pm on Wednesday (6/5). To take the guidelines, a team of health professionals was selected, composed of nutritionist Gisele Martins Darós, personal trainer Rafael Darós and psychologist Ryllyane Neves. They present the importance of the care needed in this pandemic period to ensure physical and mental health for the future.
Increasingly, the perception that companies should promote their own content on their channels strengthens brands and integrates internal and external audiences. For this reason, construction companies on the northern coast of Santa Catarina are betting on this material and believe that they can have an even closer relationship with customers, partners, employees and the community in general. “It is a way of contributing and expanding all of our social actions. Bringing relevant, well-oriented information to the public, given by renowned and specialized professionals, is important at this time when the world is living ”, comments Alcino Pasqualotto Neto, president of Pasqualotto & GT.
Construtora Pasqualotto's YouTube channel already had a series of content such as interviews with managers, the company's participation in the media, luxury developments, and other institutional videos that show the work done by the company in Santa Catarina.
For the benefit of the community in general, construction companies also carry out a series of actions to face the pandemic. United with more volunteers, they set up the group “Together against Corona SC” in which they collect respirators, thousands of health equipment, basic food baskets, among many other items to guarantee the health, food and well-being of society.
Special series Bem Me Quero
Start: from 7pm Wednesday (6/5)
Where: Construtora Pasqualotto Channel - www.youtube.com/mktpasqualotto
Press information - Oficina das Palavras
Martha Kienast - costa1@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 9 9994-1265
Ricardo Ruas - ricardo.ruas@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 9 9995-1846
Website: www.pasqualottoegt.com.br
Faceboook: www.facebook.com/pasqualottoegt
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pasqualottoegt