
The construction company Pasqualotto&GT, which signs the work of YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina, won the SC Leaders Award in the Real Estate Market category. The announcement of the winners was this Wednesday (24/11), during a ceremony in Florianópolis. Promoted annually by LIDE Santa Catarina, the award aims to recognize companies, brands and inspiring leaders that have stood out in different sectors of the state economy.

“The Leaders Award has as its essence to contemplate outstanding corporations and personalities that represent the economic plurality of successful actions in the State. The great symbolism of the award was the engagement of the main leaders of Santa Catarina for the recovery of the economy in 2022”, said Delton Batista, president of LIDE SC.

The award is divided into three main categories and 15 subcategories. The Sector Leader Award Category rewards companies representing Agribusiness, Industry, Real Estate, Services, Technology and Innovation, Tourism and Retail.

The president of Pasqualotto&GT, Alcino Pasqualotto Neto, considers it important that the construction company was nominated and awarded because it reflects the work developed in favor of the Santa Catarina economy. “Our works are large and concerned with well-being and sustainability. Over the years, since the beginning of the project, we have been very well regarded and admired, we have received important awards and having this one in our history is a sign that all the work and dedication were rewarded”, he considers.

Pasqualotto&GT's projects in Santa Catarina

Currently, Pasqualotto&GT has three major projects in progress. YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina, which is the largest residential in Latin America and stands out with the 2020 American Architecture Award given by The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design. The project has 281 meters and 81 floors and is located in Barra Sul, in Balneário Camboriú (SC). Designed by the renowned Pininfarina studio, the development has a concept of the nautical universe and is inspired by luxury yachts.

Another project is Vitra by Pininfarina, which is also under construction in Balneário Camboriú. The development marks a national architectural advance and already has international recognition, being awarded twice with prestige in Europe by the German Desing Award and highlighted in the Americas with the American Architecture Award.

And the third development is La Città by Pininfarina, located in the heart of the city in one of the best areas of Balneário Camboriú, which will come with a new structural and conceptual language. Every architectural project is focused on offering the very latest among the best high-end buildings in the world.


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