Pasqualotto> donates around 600 toys in a charity action on October 12th.

Sensitize people and companies to transform this special date into a children's month, even more charming helping those in need. With this objective, the Pasqualotto&GT team joined forces with the group of Desregulados friends, from old cars, for this benefit. The construction company donated about 600 toys that were distributed among the little ones who need it most, through an initiative of the Association of Residents and Merchants of Bairro Nova Esperança, in Balneário Camboriú. “Conquering a child's smile, contributing to the happiness of a family, and also helping with what our society needs, is very gratifying for everyone in the company, it makes us realize that we are on the right path and encouraging new people to follow this journey with us”, says the managing partner of Pasqualotto&GT, Alcino Pasqualotto Neto.

Every year, the construction company supports charitable actions and actions that bring magic and enchantment to children.


About Pasqualotto&GT

Pasqualotto&GT is the builder of luxury developments such as the YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina, with 81 floors and over 281 meters. With a vocation for vertical buildings over 50 floors, it also has other projects in partnership with Pininfarina, such as Vitra, recognized in America and Europe as an icon of international architecture, and La Città by Pininfarina.


Press information – Oficina das Palavras

Martha Kienast – +55 (47) 99994-1265.

Ricardo Ruas – +55 (47) 99995-1846.





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