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Those who were in Balneário Camboriú (SC) in the last few days were surprised by Luigi Cani's bold "passage". One of the most renowned skydivers in the world, he made flights at the largest residential in Latin America, the YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina, built by Pasqualotto & GT. At 281 meters high, the project was chosen to record the athlete's new audiovisual production. There is still no data for the project to go live.
For flights, Cani uses equipment called the Wingsuit, also known as "bat clothing". The suit allows you to have a perfect flight plane, making it reach more than 200 miles per hour. With the equipment, the parachutist flew between the towers of the Pininfarina YACHTHOUSE and also received unprecedented jumps from the top of the project's helipad, above 281 meters in height. The athlete had the support of the pilot and cameraman James Boole, who came to ensure Luigi's air safety and accompanied him in his spectacular jumps.
Cani chose the grandiose YACHTHOUSE to carry out this project, as it is the highest residential in Latin America and for its privileged location, in front of the Balneário Camboriú waterfront.
For the president of Pasqualotto & GT, Alcino Pasqualotto Neto, it is an honor to receive an athlete like Cani and contribute to the realization of a project as bold as our enterprise, it is a perfect connection and the result of this union could not be different, a success that reverberated throughout the world in hours. "The incredible thing is to know that together we transmit to everyone the feeling of living the unique thing," says Alcino.
About Pasqualotto & GT
Pasqualotto & GT is the builder of luxury developments, such as YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina, the largest residential building in Latin America, with 81 floors and 281 meters in height. With a vocation for vertical buildings above 50 floors, it also has other projects in partnership by Pininfarina, such as Vitra, recognized in America and Europe as an icon of international architecture, and the future project La Città by Pininfarina.
Press information - Oficina das Palavras
Martha Kienast - costa1@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 9 9994-1265.
Ricardo Ruas - ricardo.ruas@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 9 9995-1846.
Pasqualotto & GT Empreendimentos
Website: www.pasqualottoegt.com.br;
Faceboook: www.facebook.com/pasqualottoegt;
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pasqualottoegt.
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