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Considered one of the main worldwide certifications in the civil construction and architecture sector, the American Architecture Award (The American Architecture Award) recognizes the projects built and designed that stand out in the United States and abroad. In the 2020 edition, the only Brazilian to appear on the select list is the YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina, considered the largest residential building in Latin America with 281 meters and 81 floors. Built by Pasqualotto & GT, the project was included in the Skyscrapers category and was ahead of six other internationally renowned buildings, such as the Californians Park Tower and Salesforce Tower, Boston's One Dalton, Chicago's 727 West Madison, and 390 Madison and 55 Hudson Yards, both from New York.
“YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina is a milestone in its conception from the project to the progress of the work. And to be recognized with such a prize is to confirm all the effort, dedication and commitment to bringing to Latin America a building that is macro in all stages. The project is a succession of partnerships and focuses on the well-being of future residents who will have at their disposal innovative, comfortable environments and within the highest standards of architecture and engineering ”, says the president of Pasqualotto & GT, Alcino Pasqualotto Neto.
Promoted by the Chicago Museum of Architecture and Design (The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design), the award reached the 26th edition with a record of entries. Of the 400 projects evaluated, 130 were selected by the 2020 jury. In addition to the Skyscrapers, the title also certifies projects in 24 other categories such as private houses, schools, monuments, airports and transportation centers, hospitals, bridges, among other buildings. international highlight.
The projects selected for the American Architecture Award 2020 will be published in the international magazine New American Architecture - Global Design Urbanism XX, considered one of the largest publications in the sector in the world. The gala dinner and award ceremony, which would take place in Los Angeles, has been postponed with respect to measures to combat Covid-19, but the organization aims to schedule a new date for next year, once the emergency situation is overcome.
Martha Kienast – litoral1@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 9 9994-1265.
Ricardo Ruas – ricardo.ruas@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 9 9995-1846.
Website: www.pasqualottoegt.com.br
Faceboook: www.facebook.com/pasqualottoegt
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pasqualottoegt