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Pry the largest residential building in Latin America requires innovation and daring allied s the expertise market. Among the challenges of Pasqualotto & GT is the guarantee of performance necessary to meet the daily traffic of the enterprise, which will reach 81 floors and 275 meters in height. To endorse comfort to users, building Yachthouse By Pininfarina reaches over a number rec orde with the installation of the elevator resides ncial faster than Brazil. Developed by Atlas Schindler , the Brazilian leader in the segment , it is the first installed in a residential building in the country with a speed of six meters per second, which can travel from the ground to the top or in less than a minute.
The Manager of Sales and Marketing Management for New Facilities at Atlas Schindler , Lu is Mundim, explains that in order to guarantee operation with high travel and speed, it is necessary to offer a differentiated system in mechanical components, traction cables with reduced and large elongation. mechanical performance. “ We need a reliable and high-precision electronic system , and especially the know-how and experience we have acquired through facilities with this scope around the world”, he adds.
Altogether, 10 of 22 lifts Yachthouse By Pininfarina have differential excl usivo in sec tion for residential buildings , the three management system will TRAFFIC P ort Technology, where the call is made directly in the hall of the floors , rather than conventional password systems or biometrics in the cabs . “The fastest model on the market will be directed to the upper floors in the residential area. Other models are restricted to areas communi we will follow the existing residential pattern in Brazil, "explains the engineer Pasqualotto GT & David Rotilli.
The fastest residential elevator in Brazil will feature a differentiated cabin, exclusive design and analysis by Pininfarina, a reference in the segment worldwide, responsible for innovative projects for brands such as Ferrari and Maserati. The models installed at Yachthouse By Pininfarina will also receive a traffic management system and access control to the floors to ensure security and privacy for users.
Credits: Pasqualotto & GT Disclosure
Images for download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1X2MQi4hzMi8sWRqOjTy0IGMrRDdEBvIS?usp=sharing
Press information - Oficina das Palavras
Martha Kienast - costa1@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 9 9994-1265
Ricardo Ruas - ricardo.ruas@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 9 9995-1846
Website: www.pasqualottoegt.com.br
Faceboook: www.facebook.com/pasqualottoegt
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pasqualottoegt