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Engaged in the well-being and health of the community in general and with the objective of keeping the national economy active and expanding, Pasqualotto & GT again goes beyond what the health agencies recommend in adopting hygiene practices. After adopting several internal measures that guarantee total disinfection and prevent the proliferation of the coronavirus (Covid-19), a builder now adheres to the innovative “Corona Dados”, a software that monitors the health of employees in the largest residential building in Latin America, Pininfarina's YACHTHOUSE.
The system ensures that industries receive data on the health status of their employees and, thus, are informed of the first symptoms that appear. The workers themselves supply the software daily in a questionnaire sent via Whatsapp and Telegram. The model also allows identification that did not answer questions or even, following the development of treatments, in case of identification of a suspect.
The software began to be applied officially in civil construction and industries in June. The construction company joined the model experimentally at the YACHTHOUSE in Pininfarina in May and is already evaluating the system. “We adopted several assertive measures and we believe that this software will add even more to our protocol. It will be another important tool that helps this care, as it will act in advance if any suspicions arise ”, explains Eduardo Schmidt, Pasqualotto & GT's Occupational Safety Engineer.
Proposed by the partnership with the Federation of Industries (FIESC), the software integrates the “Corona Protocol” that stimulates the search of industries for practices to fight the virus, and reinforces the importance of maintaining activities in a safe manner. “We want production chains to play a leading role in slowing down the transmission of the virus. For this reason, we have created security protocols that allow industries to monitor the situation of their workers ”, says the president of FIESC, Mario Cezar de Aguiar.
Measures adopted go beyond what the health agencies recommend
Even before Coronavirus (Covid-19) arrived in Brazil, Pasqualotto & GT was already analyzing methodologies that could be applied and set up a risk assessment committee focused on the safety and well-being of all. As a result, numerous measures were taken, such as the expansion of disinfection points, the installation of a hand hygiene area, shoes and bicycles at the entrance of the YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina, sorting with temperature measurement with a remote device and constant use of a mask. Another measure was the division into shifts to avoid agglomerations and transfer to work in the home office of the administrative team and belonging to the risk group.
Press information - Oficina das Palavras
Martha Kienast - costa1@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 9 9994-1265.
Ricardo Ruas - ricardo.ruas@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 9 9995-1846.
Website: www.pasqualottoegt.com.br;
Faceboook: www.facebook.com/pasqualottoegt;
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pasqualottoegt/.