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Innovative Assembly Plant is installed on the construction site of the largest residential building in Latin America
Innovative, the largest residential building in Latin America, the Yachthouse by Pininfarina, brings with it challenging and daring construction stages. For the application of glass skin on the facade of the project, Pasqualotto & GT, responsible for the gigantic project, started the installation of an innovative Assembly Plant. The structure simulates one of the largest factories in Brazil and will speed up the installation of the glass skin on the facade of the 81 floors and 281 meters in height of the building, built in Balneário Camboriú (SC), within four months.
The Assembly Center works inside the construction site, thus avoiding wear and tear with transportation, logistics or external production. "This option is not common in civil construction in Brazil, but it was necessary due to the complexity of the system, aiming at the lesser logistical impact of road transport and ensuring speed in the assembly and installation of panels", explains the Civil Engineer, representative of the Yachthouse by Pininfarina da Pasqualotto & GT, Davi Rotilli.
At the site, aluminum, glass and aluminum composite (ACM), already cut and machined, go through a production line that includes the assembly of the panels, gluing of the glasses and fixing of the ACM. The assembly takes place on one of the garage floors with approximately 3 thousand square meters of area designated for this stage.
Glass skin
The special structure of the Assembly Center guarantees the precision of the installation of the glass skin on the entire facade of the largest residential building in Latin America. In all, more than 32 thousand square meters of glass and 830 tons of aluminum will be used. The assembly is carried out from bottom to top for constant sealing and guarantee of the watertightness of the facade. “It compares to a lego, where the bottom panel includes profiles that make the connection with the top panel”, explains the engineer.
The system has four sealing layers, which ensures additional tightness security. The structure also has double laminated glass, also known as insulated, which increases acoustic efficiency. Glass skin is also considered sustainable for offering thermal excellence, which reduces the use of air conditioning and other air conditioning equipment.
The installation of the anchors started in September and the assembly of the glass skin in sequence. It is estimated that the façade project will be completed within 10 months.
Credits: Pasqualotto & GT Disclosure
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Press information - Oficina das Palavras
Martha Kienast - costa1@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 9 9994-1265
Ricardo Ruas - ricardo.ruas@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 9 9995-1846
Website: www.pasqualottoegt.com.br
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