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Innovation and constant challenges guide the conclusion of the largest residential in Latin America. The YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina has already reached the 81st floor and is 281 meters high and proceeds to the final stages. To meet the size of the project, several different systems are part of the construction, such as the Outriggers, which seek to combat the effects of oscillation, traditional in tall buildings worldwide. The method, applied for the first time in Brazil in a residential building, guarantees damping higher than that required in the building.
To have maximum efficiency in this regard, the construction company Pasqualotto & GT installed the system on floors 30 and 53 of the two towers. They were made of reinforced concrete with a volume three times greater than that of the common floors. The measure will act as the second and third foundation of the project, which will combat the effects of oscillations in case of strong winds. “With the method we can guarantee that the comfort and solidity index remain above the acceptable parameters of the standard. At YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina we have as a priority to guarantee the quality of life and safety for everyone ”, says engineer Davi Rotilli.
For the dynamic analysis of the method, Pasqualotto & GT adapted to seven standards in the United States, Canada, Europe and Brazil. “We adapt to international standards as well, in addition to the national ones that are requested of us, to offer a standard above what is required”, adds Rotilli. The Outrigger floors will also function as a technical part of the project to guarantee 100% of the distribution of internal systems such as water distribution, among other mechanisms.
The innovative Outrigger was developed by an engineering office in Panama. The engineer in charge, Oscar Ramirez, explains that after the structural design, the “Wind Tunnel Test” test was carried out in England to verify the structure's behavior in different scenarios and intensities. “The displacement response is not a control variable in buildings like this. The important variables are vibrations, accelerations and torsional speeds and, in this sense, the project has been fully approved ”, explains Ramirez.
To guarantee sealing efficiency, resistance and safety, YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina has also undergone thorough facade tests. A prototype with the real dimensions passed through a wind and water pressure simulator with values ??much higher than the traditional levels registered in Brazil. The result was an approval of the glass skin with grades above those required by regulatory standards.
Downloadable images: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1v4oZaAZ_Vcmix7-qsXEfpDA4a9eXxYAg?usp=sharing
Press information - Oficina das Palavras
Martha Kienast – litoral1@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 3346-3797 e 9 9994-1265.
Ricardo Ruas – ricardo.ruas@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 3346-3797 e 9 9995-1846.
Site: www.pasqualottoegt.com.br
Faceboook: www.facebook.com/pasqualottoegt
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pasqualottoegt