Façade of the largest residential building in Latin America passes tests with intensity higher than traditional
Innovation and exclusivity. These are the watchwords of the largest residential building in Latin America. In addition to the 81 floors and 281 meters in height, the Yachthouse by Pininfarina by Pasqualotto & GT stands out even in the performance tests of the facade system. In order to guarantee sealing efficiency, resistance and safety, a prototype with the real dimensions that will be applied in the project went through a wind and water pressure simulator with values ??much higher than the traditional levels registered in Brazil.
The consulting team needed to establish values ??for the test that corresponded to the size of the enterprise and the level of performance required by Pasqualotto & GT. “We apply procedures that go beyond the norm. Water and after-wind performance is generally assessed. At Yachthouse by Pininfarina we followed this model and added water and air again to attest that the system will not lose performance even after resisting high wind pressures ”, explains consultant engineer Crescêncio Petrucci.
The simulation was carried out at the headquarters of the Technological Construction Institute (ITEC), in São Paulo. For the assessment, a two-story structure similar to Yachthouse by Pininfarina was built in the ITEC laboratory. The Institute's technical director, Michele Gleice, explains that the tests focus on resistance to efforts and wind loads, water tightness and safety of the structure. “We evaluated possible water infiltrations, as well as the guarantee that there is no component detachment and whether the glasses resist wind pressures”, explains the engineer.
Early assessment is recommended to ensure the facade's efficiency even before installation. “We can certify that this is another great differential for Pasqualotto & GT. It will guarantee us total stability, resistance and tightness ”, adds engineer Davi Rotilli. With the approval of the technical body, in the coming days the façade begins to be assembled. The services are expected to last about 10 months.
Downloadable images: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FYzfPRQ_kwVNEg4fIyT2Wuu_aArBy7S2?usp=sharing
Press informationOficina das Palavras

Martha Kienast – litoral1@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 3346-3797 e 9 9994-1265

Ricardo Ruas – ricardo.ruas@grupoodp.com.br +55 (47) 3346-3797 e 9 9995-1846.


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