Construtora Pasqualotto & GT puts into operation the power supply of YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina

The largest residential building in Latin America has an electric power system as grand as its 281 meters and 81 floors. The equipment that took five months to install is able to keep the electricity of the 264 apartments and the entire common area of ??the skyscraper running. The substation of YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina underwent an inspection by Companhia de Energia Catarinense (CELESC) and was cleared to go into operation on Wednesday (10/14).
The entire process of installing the substation involved about 30 professionals. “It is a milestone because, like the building, it needed to bring in more elements to ensure it works smoothly. In the whole project, we overestimated the risk possibilities in order to avoid them ”, reinforces the construction company's electrical manager, Marcos Aurélio Carvalho.
The operation of the substation at this time releases, for example, the internal elevators of the work, which require a greater electrical load to operate at the same time. And YACHTHOUSE by Pininfarina stops using the provisional energy of 300KVA to have six times more power from now on. “Putting the substation into operation is like putting a heart to work. She is the one who takes the energy to all the other parts ”, emphasizes Carvalho.
More than R $ 3 million was invested in the electrical project for the largest residential building in Latin America. The six lines of the project add up to a total of 2,125 meters for the two towers, with Megabarre Buses Model Impact II - IP 55 in aluminum, from 2000A, 2500A and 3200A, to be able to feed up to the roof located on the 79th floor of the skyscraper.

How is the substation
There are six transformers, four dedicated to the apartments (500KVA), one for the commercial area (500KVA) and another for the condominium, with an even greater capacity of 1500KVA to meet the demand of the common area very efficiently. There is an intelligent cooling system that exchanges air in the engine room, which guarantees even more power to the system, giving an autonomy of more than 1000KVA, explains Pasqualotto & GT electrical engineer, José Vinícius de Oliveira Piffer.
WEG dry transformers were produced to provide safety, quality and high performance. Manufactured with the best epoxy resin available on the market, they do not present a risk of explosion and do not spread fire. They are ideal for environments that require space savings, as they are compact and provide low installation costs and easy maintenance.
The project foresees the maximum dimensioning of the electric load, also considering the backups. Two 750KVA diesel generators are available in the event of a power outage in the region. Both generators will act in parallel, giving more comfort to the condominium when there is a power outage, because even with more than 10,000 m² of leisure area, the entire project will not feel this drop. As in the cutting-edge technology used in transformers, energy generators also have an apparatus that seeks sustainability. Having four special filters that clean the smoke production with the aid of two more oxcatalysts composing the equipment of the Cartepiller Player System, which is recognized for its technical capacity, robustness and reliability.

 Press office - Oficina das Palavras

Martha Kienast - +55 (47) 9 9994-1265
Ricardo Ruas - +55 (47) 9 9995-1846

Pasqualotto & GT

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