Construction company responsible for the largest towers in South America has new president and majority shareholder

Leading the company since 2012, the entrepreneur Alcino Pasqualotto becoming the majority partner and president of the company when he assumed 60% of the share capital of Construtora Pasqualotto. This is the consolidation of a process of professionalization of the company that used to work in a familiar way. It took about four years of work and development to reach the current professional moment.

In 2015, in the company of the father and founder of the company, Lindomar Pasqualotto, he realized the need to maintain the sustainable growth that had been built. Lindomar identified his son's business vision and let him act. The goal was to be among the 5% of family businesses that achieve stability thanks to the professionalization of management, behavior and processes.

To this end, since 2017, Pasqualotto has been going through a series of external consultants focused on optimizing work. This action guided the removal of the family, professionalization of the leader, hiring new leadership pairs and training of the entire team within the company with a focus on results.

“With all these interventions and realizing my qualification, I won 60% of the company. We started in 1993 and today, Pasqualotto has 48 towers delivered, of which 274 thousand square meters have already been built and more than 340 thousand square meters under construction. We are in the running to celebrate one of the largest yards ever built by a construction company in southern Brazil. Our goal now is to be in the top three ”, highlights businessman Alcino Pasqualotto.

He is in charge, for example, of the Yachthouse by Pininfarina, the largest building in Latin America, scheduled to be delivered in 2020. The project has 81 floors and 275 meters high, with incredible views of Balneário Camboriú, the most famous seaside resort in the South of Brazil. And the man of vision doesn't stop. With his quality and entrepreneurial vocation, in addition to his keen business vision, he is at the head of several other renowned and innovative projects in the segment.

“With all the adjustments, and understanding the size of our business, I take full control of the operations. Professionalization has begun. I thank everyone for their complicity and, more than that, the admiration and respect for our brand. I can say that I will keep the work with the same seriousness, straightness and in search of the maintenance of growth. We will focus on our sustainable growth and I will live up to my place today ”, thanks the major partner of Construtora Pasqualotto.

Press information - Oficina das Palavras

Martha Kienast - +55 (47) 3346-3797 and 9 9994-1265

Ricardo Ruas - +55 (47) 3346-3797 and 9 9995-1846.






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