Awareness messages and lecture reinforce the importance of health prevention
Today is the perfect day to take care of yourself and guarantee an entire blue year. This is the main message that Pasqualotto & GT wants to leave for everyone with the November Blue special campaign. The words of encouragement, shared on social networks and the corporation, aim to raise awareness of everyone in the constant search for quality of life and well-being. The word of prevention will be reinforced on Monday (11/18), with a special meeting between a health professional and more than 200 employees of the construction company.

With the theme “Love for ourselves is the best prevention”, the lecture with the nutritionist who serves the Women's Network to Fight Cancer, Aline Radloff, will present that health involves more than physical care, but also requires attention with the psychic, emotional and spiritual. "Everything is related: our intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships, food, physical activity, contact with nature, doing what we like and how stress can impact", explains the nutritionist.

Carrying the disease prevention message encompasses the various actions carried out by Pasqualotto & GT in favor of health. The construction company responsible for the largest residential building in Latin America, Yachthouse by Pininfarina, seeks to bring daily information on well-being, care for others and awareness.
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